Stable IT system, the base for success


Office supplier

Target group




Type of operation

Network & virtualization


The network has grown constantly over the years, has been expanded and managed by different companies.

The network is not clearly laid out and there are many interfaces. In the course of the new office space, a uniform solution should now be found to keep all systems up to date and to simplify administration.


The existing physical servers are to be virtualized (Hyper-V) and brought up to the latest technical standard (migration of Active Directory). The existing two exchange servers are also to be merged into one system. 

In addition, a VPN solution and a new backup concept are to be integrated.


All customer requirements were met in order to be technically up to date. The company network is now clearly laid out (network diagram). 

The interfaces have been minimized so that the error rate has been massively reduced. In addition, the stability of the company network is now ensured by 24/7 monitoring. 

The customer is now able to concentrate on its core business without having to worry about the network.