Discharge and blocking of certain parts as required


Automotive Supplier

Target group




Type of operation


Current state

Certain types of products are to be ejected at a certain point because they are needed for other processes. The employees on the lines receive lists and desired quantities of types that are to be ejected manually.


The employees do not constantly pay attention to the lists. In addition, the types can be produced on different lines.


RWP can discharge products at the desired locations using the line connection. A web application is created for this purpose, which the planners use to specify the type and the desired quantity as well as the discharge point. When units of the type reach the point regardless of the line, the desired number is blocked and ejected. By checking the production process, the employees on the line know for whom the units have been ejected and can send the units to them.


The products are ejected automatically and independently of the manufacturer and marked for the person who created the ejection.