Reduce Your Downtime by 70%

Ensure that your production stops less often – with the matching software and 24/7 support from RWP

IT-related production downtimes regularly cause millions in losses for industrial companies! If your production comes to a stop, one thing is essential: fast IT support.

The problem: you have numerous software programmes for your entire production line. So it takes time to clarify with all manufacturers and suppliers where exactly the error lies. Time that costs you a lot of money every minute.

RWP develops software

that meets your needs

No matter what programs you’re using now, we develop personalised software that seamlessly integrates your manufacturing machines and allows you to track all your production steps in one place.

RWP offers 24/7 IT support

so that help comes quickly when you need it

With us, you get IT support for the software in your entire production line. That means: ONE point of contact for ALL systems!

Satisfied RWP customers worldwide

The Deepest Money Pit in Your Company

Mit dem 24/7-IT Support von RWP Software

The Deepest Money Pit in Your Company

The top money pit in your company? IT problems! Especially when things aren’t working like they should. No doubt you’re familiar with the following situation:

Alarms are going off on your production line because an error message has popped up that can’t be cleared.

Your in-house IT staff? They don’t have any idea what it might be.

You spend at least a day getting placed on hold, passed from one person to the next and have to somehow try to explain the problem in English before the problem is finally found.

That’s not only expensive, but a huge waste of time and extremely aggravating.

There are 2 factors that can turn your IT into a bottomless pit for time and money:

Standard systems

Does every production machine have its own software? That’s the standard approach at many industrial companies. The problem: If the programs can’t talk to each other, it can take a long time before a solution is found.

Slow support

Having many systems also usually means having many different support hotlines. It feels like years can pass while you’re explaining your problem to each of them and being passed endlessly from one person off to the next.

The solution: ONE provider of fast support for your IT and one software package that seamlessly integrates your production line.

Buying the Standard Means Paying Twice!

Standard programs vs. Custom software

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But everyone says standard software is less expensive than custom solutions for production companies, right?

For the initial cost? Of course! But in the long run, standard software can get incredibly expensive.

Because when each of your production machines runs on its own system, it’s almost impossible to identify malfunctions in the production line. That translates to expensive downtime.

With custom software, things run more smoothly. While the initial cost might be higher, it ultimately reduces costs associated with downtime.
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Regardless of your current software – RWP specialises in developing custom software that:

RWP geht auf alle Ihre Sonderwünsche ein

Regardless of your current software – RWP specialises in developing custom software that:

In the event of a malfunction, our support team is ready to assist you around the clock. So you can solve the problem as quickly as possible and keep your production running smoothly.

Even the Best Software Needs
Rapid Support

You can’t prevent 100% of software mistakes, can you? That’s right! But the faster you identify a malfunction in your production, the less costly it will be!

That’s why RWP is built on:

We mean it when we say ‘around the clock’!

Nine out of ten times, our IT experts can remotely rectify any problem you encounter right away.

Is the issue more complicated? Then we’ll come to your facility at any time of day!

24/7 IT Support

We mean it when we say ‘around the clock’! Nine out of ten times, our IT experts can remotely rectify any problem you encounter right away. Is the issue more complicated? Then we’ll come to your facility at any time of day!

360 Degree Support

RWP takes charge of the service for your entire IT. That means we don’t just take care of our own software. Instead, we take care of all the active systems in your production.

RWP takes charge of the service for your entire IT.
That means we don’t just take care of our own software. Instead, we take care of all the active systems in your production.

No unnecessary downtime!

Does applying updates or patches bring your production to a standstill? Not with us! With us, your IT has a digital twin. If something is being adjusted, your production will continue to run under this software twin. Update finished? Then your IT takes over again and the twin is updated. We refer to it as the RWP two-database concept.

Does applying updates or patches bring your production to a standstill? Not with us!
With us, your IT has a digital twin.
If something is being adjusted, your production will continue to run under this software twin.
Update finished? Then your IT takes over again and the twin is updated.
We refer to it as the RWP two-database concept.

English-speaking Experts

Our IT experts speak fluent English. So you can tell them directly what the problem is.

Our IT experts speak fluent German.
So you can tell them directly what the problem is.

Why RWP Customers Experience So Little Downtime

Die Kombi aus Individualsoftware und 24/7-Support von RWP

Why RWP Customers Experience So Little Downtime

With a combination of individually customised software from RWP and 24/7 support, satisfied RWP customers around the world are already reducing their downtime.

Whether it’s software development, IT support, or a combination of the two – you decide what your company needs.

Case Studies

We’re Certified and CO2 Neutral

How Collaboration with Us Works


The first meeting

At the first meeting, we’ll visit your location and get to know your production. Where are the problems? What requires a solution? What exactly does your production line look like? Our experts get an overview and clarify the most important questions together with you.


The RWP concept

In the second step, we’ll provide you with an initial plan for how we can maximally reduce the downtime in your company. It doesn’t matter if that’s a service agreement, new software or a combination package. You’ll receive a concrete offer from us.


70% less downtime

Does that sound good? Then of course we’ll handle the entire implementation. And you? You can focus on your core business!

What Happens During the Consultation?

The free consultation is conducted by telephone. This is your opportunity to clarify with our experts whether collaboration is a good choice for both sides. Because we only work with companies when we’re confident that we really can help them and reduce downtime.

Nie wieder Produktionsstopp dank RWP

Our Management Team

RWP has been supporting industrial enterprises for over 40 years with
the best possible software and optimal support.

RWP’s Headquarters

Our headquarters is located in the city of Nuremberg. From here, we’ve helped clients around the world to drastically reduce their downtime. You can always come visit us here, but it’s not necessary. We’ve digitalised our processes to such an extent that we are able to assist clients around the world – by telephone or video conference!

Wir unterstützen weltweit Kunden, ihre Ausfallzeiten zu verringern!

We also have a location in Ansbach. This is where the service team is located.


With RWP, you can reduce your downtime by 70%. In short, you’ll save a lot of money! Whether it’s finding the right software or 24/7 IT support – we’ll give you the help you need.

Yes, that’s possible! To optimise your IT in a way that reduces your downtime by up to 70%, we recommend the combination of the right software and support.

Yes, that’s possible! But even the best software sometimes needs updates, patches, or bug fixes. That’s why we recommend setting up support from RWP at the same time.

The IT experts at RWP can work effectively with nearly any protocol. Feeling uncertain? Just contact us and find out if we can help you.

Thanks to current technology, 95% of all error messages can now be cleared remotely. Is your situation especially complicated? We’ll happily travel to your location.

This is your opportunity to clarify with our experts whether collaboration is a good choice for both sides. Because we only work with companies when we’re confident that we can really help them and reduce downtime.

Yes, there are no costs to you.

For standard products, the acquisition costs are of course less expensive. But when each of your production machines runs on its own system, it’s almost impossible to identify malfunctions in the production line. That translates to expensive downtime. Buying the standard often means paying twice the price.

It’s impossible to give a general answer to this question. Depending on the project size, it can last from a few weeks to a few months.

Switching to new software is more complicated than doing nothing, of course. But with custom RWP software and RWP support, you can look forward to an uncomplicated future with just ONE contact partner for all your systems and an easy overview of your entire production line. It goes without saying that we also train your employees so that the switch goes smoothly.